Friday, January 20, 2012

The Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, Inc, Announces New Venture

Partners Jean Naggar and Jennifer Weltz of the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, Inc, are excited to announce a number of changes in the Agency in response to the expanding needs of our authors in an evolving market.

A New Venture for our Agency:
After great success placing over 70 back-list JVNLA titles with emerging publishers, The Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency, Inc, has expanded its services to offer co-agent representation to literary agencies for reprint rights in both electronic and print formats.

Unlike many Agencies in both the US and UK who have chosen to publish or help their clients self publish their authors' back-list, The Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency has taken a unique and successful approach to their authors' titles by pairing them up with emerging e-book or print and e-book publishers. Consequently, the JVNLA authors gain an added vested party in the re-release of the title.

Over the past two years, JVNLA has cultivated a number of relationships with a variety of players in the e-book/POD marketplace and continues to expand its understanding of this arena as new players emerge and opportunities evolve.

We are interested in partnering with agencies managing a back-list where original publication rights or e-rights were either clearly reserved by the author, or have reverted back to the author. Using the information we have compiled, we will strategize with the primary agent to find the best placement for the reprint rights, either with an e-book publishing partner or a more traditional print publisher. All other rights, outside of reprint rights in print and electronic formats, will continue to be managed by the primary agent.

Publishers Weekly on JVNLA's New Venture: link here.

Web Site:

To better assist our authors' efforts in Social Networking and outreach to readers, we at JVNLA have created an author/reader focused web-site which highlights our authors' current releases, their distinguished awards, and rave reviews. With over 1,000 titles sold out of the Agency, we were unable to list all of them on the site, but we have made available information on all of our authors as well as their hundreds of accolades.

To better help readers connect with authors, we have an active blog highlighting recent activity for our books and we offer direct help to Book Groups in making their title selections.

We no longer accept print queries but have streamlined our query process to better serve prospective clients.

International representation:

With sales in over 50 countries JVNLA is committed to finding the best representation around the world. Our new representatives in Israel and Holland are The Deborah Harris Agency and Mo Literary, respectively.


In an effort to further expand our reach into the Australian market, Laura Biagi will be directly selling our list in this territory. Laura will continue to assist both Agency partners, Jean Naggar and Jennifer Weltz, as well as assisting Jennifer Weltz in all Subsidiary-Rights submissions.

Contract and Royalties Manager, Tara Hart, will now also be overseeing and selling all e-reprint rights as well as managing the New Venture above with Jennifer Weltz.

CONTACT: Jennifer Weltz  

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