[Edit 12/23: King was also quoted on The New Yorker's book blog about his fave of '09: "Like the best ghost stories, this is a tale of deepening obsession . . . authentically horrifying."]
Ginnah Howard's NIGHT NAVIGATION, whose themes include addiction and mental illness, has been awash in praise from newspapers, blogs, and literary journals since its publication in April 2009--rave reviews include those from, among others, New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, Publishers Weekly and Kirkus.
How does the title hold up under the critical eye of the psychiatric world? Just as well, it seems--Psychiatric Services, a monthly journal for mental health professionals and others interested in mental health issues, published a similarly positive review of NIGHT NAVIGATION in its December 2009 issue. The reviewer praises the verisimilitude of Howard's story, stating: "clearly [Howard] has either done her homework or has had first-hand experience with addiction and its meandering course."
Final analysis? "An entertaining and worthwhile true-to-life story about complicated people grappling with vexing problems."
The above and below photographs show the gorgeous exhibit featuring the lush, original sketches of author/illustrator Lynne Barasch now available to visit at the Middle Country Public Library in New York State.
Mark your calendars--Lynne will appearing at the exhibit on January 16th!
The International Thriller Writers, Inc.'s monthly webzine The Big Thrill features an interview with Steve Perry, "prolific writer of media tie-ins, teleplays, and original work," whose latest INDIANA JONES AND THE ARMY OF THE DEAD "brings the cultural icon face-to face with a resurgent horror subgenre."
"Perry's insight into Indiana Jones? He's "a classic adventure hero [whose] appeal is that he seems like an ordinary guy who rises to the challenge. Reluctantly sometimes . . . but he still does what needs to be done."
"Constantin’s UK-Germany-Spain-Italy co-production Pope Joan . . . made a strong start to its run, with a $5m tally from 565 screens in three territories. The lion’s share of the gross came from Germany, where the film secured top spot with $4.4m from 465 screens, a $9,500 average. Set in the 9th century, the drama follows a woman who disguises herself as a man in order to rise through the ranks of the Vatican. Pope Joan opens in Belgium on November 18 and Netherlands on December 17."
"With no job of my own waiting for me, and only six days of marriage under my belt, I boarded a plane for Nagoya, Japan, a place that apparently had preserved the era and mindset of the 1950s." --Lisa Cook, on the journey recounted in her memoir Japan Took the J.A.P. Out of Me, and new motherhood,on Momlogic.com
"Everyone always says the most important thing is to spend time with the people we love, but I don’t think most of us really put this into practice. Spending 24/7 together in 340- square feet for 365 days with our 60-pound dog and 2 cats, Tim and I discovered we were happier than we’ve ever been." --Doreen Orion, on her memoir QUEEN OF THE ROAD, now in itssixth printing
"This elegantmystery by a historian is full of period details as well as questions about women's place in the 19th century and the conflict between science and religion." --New York Times Book Review, Editors' Pick, Paperback Row, Sunday 10/4
"Barasch successfully dramatizes a real-life conflict . . . the scenes are simply drawn, and the resolution feels hopeful and realistic." --The New York Times, Children's Bookshelf
“He’s a brooder; he’s the most autobiographical of the prophets, and there’s something so desperately lonely and sad about him that I wanted to reach back in time and comfort him somehow . . . I wanted to provide someone who is just mad about him and loves him as a man, not as a prophet.” --Zoe Klein, expounding on her novel DRAWING IN THE DUST
"From the outset, with Tipping the Velvet, her debut novel, to the present . . . [Waters] has persistently gone where few dare follow, in the echoing footsteps of Edgar Allan Poe, Wilkie Collins and the Brontes." --The Herald,on Sarah Waters' literary antecedents
The Little Stranger is short-listed for the Man-Booker Prize.
We are all also intensely curious about what Doreen's adoring husband is exclaiming down at the bottom of the image, as nature calls during a photo (in)opportunity:
Anyone read Chinese?
Broadway Books June 2008, Marco Polo Press June 2009
The always-insightful Lucinda Roy was twice featured in major publications in the past two weeks. Her reflections on US race relations in the Obama era, sparked by the controversial arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates last month, was published in USA Today at the end of July, and has swiftly been followed by an article in Newsweek this past Friday that discusses how writing can help students and parents get--and stay--connected. Check 'em out!
Riveting . . . balanc[es] sympathy over an anguished soul with horror over his presence. Filled with a poet's mastery of tactile details. Calm analysis only highlights the urgency of Roy's warning that fundamental problems . . . need to be addressed lest similar tragedies recur." --Kirkus Reviews
Heartbreaking . . . infused with startling moments . . . conveys the anguish of being caught up [as] an accidental actress in am American melodrama." --Washington Post
LA Times article of this weekend:Where Few Men Dare to Tread, featuring Cat Drucker of Teri Coyne's debut novel--part of a tradition of "damaged, kick-butt women" from crime fiction in recent decades. Check it out!! Bookreporter.com on THE LAST BRIDGE: "Coyne's pacing and prose are unrelenting . . . Very accomplished and confident . . . haunting and scary, full of rage and energy . . . a worthwhile and compelling examination." Teri Coyne takes the Page 69 test
[update 09/08/09 Sarah's made the shortlist as well!!]
Sarah Waters has twice been shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize for her novels FINGERSMITH and THE NIGHT WATCH. Now, her newest, THE LITTLE STRANGER, has been longlisted for this year's award, with the shortlist to be announced on September 8th. Go Sarah!
Waters on her inspirations and influences for THE LITTLE STRANGER:
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